
Odd's Creek was born out of a desire to do what is best for the land. Many times, short-term incentives to maximize profit take priority over long-term stewardship of natural resources. The consequences of these decisions are often not realized until several seasons later by those living downstream.

The cost of these decisions represents negative externalities created by incentive structures that don't include the long-term value of natural resources. We believe that one of the most effective solutions is to work within the market to re-align these incentive structures. In cases where no precedent is set, we're willing to create new markets that capture this value. 


To learn how we got here, read Our Story.

To support our work, consider donating.

While the farmer holds the title to the land, actually it belongs to all the people because civilization itself rests upon the soil.
— Thomas Jefferson

Contact Us

Interested in partnering on a project or looking to stay in touch? Leave us a message or send an email to: info@oddscreek.org